Thursday, December 17, 2009

X box logo

I was in a store the other day when my wife saw a green and black box and said is that something to do with X Box. It definately made me turn my head and go check it out. When i got closer I realized it was not made by X Box at all but someone had obviosly designed it to look and have that feel. More than the issue of someone playing off someone elses design, which was easy to see. What it really made me think was how powerful X Box made thier design and colors. Its so powerful that if you see that black and green you see X Box no matter what it is you are actually seeing

Jeannie and Sam Maddox

Jeanie and Sam Maddox are artists that specialize in oil paintings. There is one pice of their work that I very much enjoyed. It is a painting of a woman under water. The thing I like most of this piece is the use of white space. I Think it is an awsome display of how to use and blend in white space to give the feel of water moving and to think it was all painted by hand is one of the most impressive pieces of art that I have ever seen.

Artist Jan Brieschke

In this piece I enjoyed the way she took four different pictures divided by black boarders and gave them fluidity throughout the entire piece so even though devided and separate pictures the all form togather and create a lot of motion, I also love the use of the bright, vibrant colors. With the contrast of the darker colors. Very unique and appealing to the eye.

Bill Sargent Photography

Bill Sargent is a photographer that uses a lot of old vehicles for art. I very much enjoy the way he takes an old beat up truck that is dead to the world and brings it to life. I remember saying WOW a lot when looking at his work. Here is a business card from Mr. Sargent I think its great and it definately captures my attention.

Hang-Ups by Gloria McRoberts

Gloria McRoberts is another artist whos work I got to look at. She does Fiber Sculputers. what I liked the most of her business card is how the sun was made black and solid, not like rays of light. This creates great contrast with the tree in front of it. The feel I get from this card is soft yet bold. Which calms me and makes me say wow at the same time. I also like the texture used and how it was used to outline the tree and sun. I like this alot.

Michael Braun Art

While attending the Festival of Masters at Downtown Disney I saw some of michael Brauns art. I thought it was amaizing the way he can capture your attention with the use of bending light. this business card I picked up is a great piece of work on its own. One side is done in cooling colors and has a flat texture to it. The other side is done in warming colors and has a high gloss finish. I love the movement and fluidity as you turn the card over and over again. I think that it is very strong and was executed very well.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Circle K logo

In looking around at different company logos, I observed the Circle K logo. When I took a deeper look I saw that the designer of that logo made the bottom of the k to  form an arrow. This is an example of using positive space to help guide your eye across the logo. And I think that Designing in simplicity is often the best way to  go about  logo design.

FedEx logo

In Graphic Design we study he use of negative space as well as positive space.
A very good example of this is the logo designed for Fed Ex . The designer for this logo obviosly designed for the negative space to guide your eyes to the right .If you look in the negative space between the E and x, you will see an arrow. This gives me a feeling of movement that my package is on its  way. And that is  what I believe that designer wanted. So I think it was very well thought out and executed very well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Always Question Everything". Neville Brody

Neville Brody once said "always Question Everyhing". This has been very inspiring to me, especially now. I have never liked to be told what I can and can not do, especially since there are no written rules for life. A lot of times I dissagree with the way we as a society perceive things . for instance, if you have tattoos and piercings, you will no doubt have a hard time getting hired as a professional. All of a sudden, intellect ,education and the ability to do the job well, no longer matters. So it was refreshing when i got to do  a presentation about Neville Brody because I really identified with his thoughts and ideas on how you should question everything, Don't just accept what society or anyone tells you. You Can Challenge Everything!!